Our Story is a whirlwind adventure that began in a classy establishment, some of you may know, as Fiddlestrings Bar & Patio in San Angelo, TX. It was a hot summer night, on July 20, 2018 when these two Lieutenants were out for a drink awaiting the start of their Air Force training. Dan was a rowdy Buffalo boy that was on his way to order his next Coors Lite when he met Paulina at the bar adding another Budweiser to her tab. They decided that together, with the help of liquid courage, they were going to order another round for a game of pool and that’s when their crazy journey began.
After spending a year exploring most of Texas together, February 2019 came around and it was time for Dan to return to Buffalo and Paulina to start her first assignment 2,270 miles away in Las Vegas, NV. Even though their plan was never to get into a long distance relationship, they had just spent every day for almost a year together, so they agreed it was worth giving it a shot…fast forward 3 years, countless frequent flyer miles and one cross-country road trip later, they finally closed that gap when Paulina moved to WNY in November 2021.
They always prioritized traveling in their relationship (partially because they didn’t have a choice living apart) but unbeknownst to Paulina, Daniel’s spontaneous 4th of July trip back to their old stomping grounds of San Antonio, TX was about to be one of their best trips yet. Surrounded with the lifelong friends they made at Fiddlestrings all those years ago, on June 30, 2023, Dan got on one knee and Paulina ugly cried until he had to ask for a second time and she finally blurted “yes!”
After 6 years of unconditional love from their families and friends, Paulina and Dan are so excited to celebrate with you all on one of their many adventures while tying the knot at their wedding in Mexico!
Con mucho amor,
Paulina & Dan